Thursday, 26 February 2009

And here's the bad news

Lord do I hate the news. The bbc website is just one tale of woe after another. Banks posting record losses (although they didn't seem to like it much when banks were posting huge profits either). Journalists seem unable to contain their glee in reporting all this doom and gloom - I guess they at least are recession-proof; if it wasn't for Robert Peston (hate, hate, hate) how would we know how much our lives suck and how much everyone hates those of us who work in banking. Well, used to work in banking anyway, until the great Qatar bank cull in January.

And if they can't find a banking story, they default to the Great Housing Crisis, and tell us how much our investment in our homes has crashed in the last year. If there's nothing to report on that, they blither on about recession, and try to decide if this is the worst economic climate in the last 30, 50, 100, 150 years. Take your pick.

It's starting to remind of me of National Geographic specials, with their penchant for the horrific. Observe the lioness with 4 three-day-old cubs. Oh look, she's moving them to a new location one at a time. Oh dear, there's a snake under the bush she's moving them to, and it's systematically killing each one as she deposits them there. Oh, and look, now it's bitten her too, so lets follow her around for a few days while she gets sicker and sicker and then gives up and dies. Makes for great tv, right? Just reporting the facts, ma'am.

Do you have to be Jewish to opt-out and go kibbutz-ing for a few years??

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